"Seconds pass whether your doing something in that second or not". My dad has always said this when trying to help us understand the importance of proper time allocation. I am, and always have been a daydreamer so this project of using every second to do what is needed in that moment, has only been partially effective. If you are studying with me and you haven't seen me turn the page in a while I give you permission to ask what I'm thinking about... it is probably not Kant's Groundwork on the Metaphysics of Morals. The big question that I have always asked myself is: how do I stay focused on the task at hand? Or, why do I let my runaway trains of thought distract me from the less exciting things of life? Lately, however, I have been asking the question: how does this tendency speak into my personality? Yes, I must find a way to focus myself and to pursue the task given me with everything I have to give, but if I keep dreaming about more exciting things or interesting things, what should I do? Should I capture my thoughts and channel them into the written word? I like creative writing and poetry and am always scratching down bits and pieces of things that flow into my mind, or even words that sound nice... like apothecary and syllable and solstice. Sometimes I daydream about a pretty word that I have read and then I reach the bottom of the page and realize that I wasn't actually reading that whole page. So, how to capture and focus at the same time? I don't know... I'll let you know if I find out. (By the way, the illustration is from one of my favorite childhood stories: Appelemando's Dream a story about how a boy's tangible daydreams affect his town, and the methods they use to capture the dreams).
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