Thursday, February 11, 2010

Biola Chapter

Hello there!
I haven't written in a while. Life is picking up speed again as the Spring semester at Biola University is in full swing. Many warm reunions with dear friends have occurred and the reality of the difficulty of this semester is setting in. Yummy. I say that sarcastically but there is a sense of warmth and rhythm to the chaos. There is the sense of simplicity when you wake up in the morning and greet the sun with a smile knowing it's going to be a beautiful day. Sometimes all you can do is breathe. Fresh breaths each one deeper than the one before, and for a moment all is still in the quiet of the morning. And life is good. If you let that moment carry you through your day, life is still good even though one must bustle around to do the tasks ahead.
There's no real point to this post, just an note on how wonderful life can be and how blessed I am. Paul tells us so many times to be grateful in all things. I have prayed long and hard for this attitude to fill my very being to the brim. And it is. Slowly and ever so error-filled, I am learning to take nothing for granted and to thank God in all things for the many blessings he has lavished upon me. Not just the things that He would have for me, but the things that please me as well.
My prayer now is that I will be able to carry this attitude throughout my life and look in the face of the storms when they come and shout praises to the Lord of gratitude... thanking Him for the rain that will make everything more fertile than it was before.
I am so greatly looking forward to this semester as I will have the opportunity to read some great books, both for the expansion of my knowledge and the furthering of my journey upward to maturity in Christ. I will have the opportunity to be in the presence of great people, those who challenge me to walk closer and dearer to my Savior. I will have the opportunity to be under the influence of intelligent professor who are helping me to grow so that I can further my accomplishment in the discipline of Business.
I am very glad to be back for my Sophomore Spring semester and will be updating my blog with something a little more insightful soon!

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