Anyways I stumbled over other things beside my plethora of equestrian accoutrements, I also came across the many books that I had attachments to and thought worthwhile enough to save. I leafed through colorful pages and was shocked at how well intact they were. My parents always instilled an incredible value and care for the things we owned and taught us to be good stewards even from an early age. I had a deeply sensitive conscience and when all my friends would cut their dolls hair or paint their nails, the most I ever did to mar mine from their original fresh-out-of-the-box state was braid my dolls hair and change their clothes. Same with books, book ripping in our house was akin to imagination homicide, intentional ripping never, ever happened and accidental ripping was deeply frowned upon because of its radical carelessness. All that to say, we took very good care of our books. In the book “Letters From Felix” every other page contained an actual letter that went along with the story. I recall my 8 year old self’s deep temptation to take the letters out of the book and play with them as if they were written to me, alas, my conscience was too strong and I left all the letters and the stickers from the back of the book in there my entire childhood.
Beatrix Potter was a classic, Patricia Polocco books and my most favorite book that I got from the tooth fairy, “Princess Lulu Goes to Camp” were some of my most beloved stow-aways tucked in the secrecy of my closet. Such good memories to come home too.